Set of PIECES™ Job Aids

Pieces Canada

Set of PIECES™ Job Aids

Sale price$5.50


Set of 2 Job Aids that are in colour, double-sided, laminated, and durable. Quantity discount pricing available for over 30 sets. Contact to order.

  1. PIECES™ 3-Question Template: Guiding Collaborative Engagement, Shared Assessment, and Supportive Care
    PIECES is a holistic, relationship focused approach to collaborative engagement and supportive care with older Persons at risk or living with complex chronic conditions. Using the PIECES 3-Q Template guides the Team in evidence informed shared assessment and supportive care, building on the Person's unique strengths, promoting optimum health, and preventing unnecessary disability.

  2. PIECES™ Team Mobilization: Moving Forward with the Care Plan!
    Acting on information/clinical evidence gathered using the 3-Q Template requires incorporating the Investigations, Interactions, and Interventions into the Person's care plan; mobilized into action, and monitored, maintained and modified as needed!