Team PIECES™ in Action Resource Package - Free download

Pieces Canada

Team PIECES™ in Action Resource Package - Free download

Sale price$0.00

The Team PIECES in Action Resource Package has been developed to support all PIECES Practitioners, and to further enhance Team collaboration when using the PIECES™ 3-Question Template to guide the clinical assessment. This Resource Package includes; a PIECES™ Information Sheet, PIECES™ Poster and PIECES™ Pocket Card. Together, these resources will raise awareness about the PIECES™ approach and the critical role all Team members have in shared support of the Person living with complex health conditions. Wherever the PIECES™ approach is implemented, they can be a catalyst for the Person and Care Partner (and all Team members) to meaningfully participate in the shared solution finding. These conversations can occur in-the moment, Team huddle, care conference, in-person, on the phone or virtually.

Please note: usage of our materials is limited, click here to learn about PIECES Materials usage guidelines. 
